Capacitate has been contracted to conduct a formative evaluation of the Land Bank Mezzanine Fund – Land Bank and the Jobs Fund have contracted to implement a Mezzanine Fund to support development and job creation in majority Black-owned enterprises in the agricultural sector through offering senior and mezzanine debt to projects that create new productive capacity and new jobs.

[Click here for more information about the fund]

As part of this evaluation process we are seeking input of various industry bodies to determine the relevance and effectiveness of this initiative. This survey form part of the evaluation process and we would greatly appreciate your input.

Select all that apply.
ExcellentPretty goodNot SureQuite BadTerrible
Pretty good
Not Sure
Quite Bad
No ChallengesSomewhat ChallengingQuite ChallengingExtremely Challenging
Access to Electricity
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Supply of electricity (consistent availability)
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Cost of electricity
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Access to water
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Water licensing
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Supply of water (quality, consistency)
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Cost of water
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Transportation of commodities to market
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Packaging of Commodities
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Access to markets
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Price changes / fluctuations
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Staff problems
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Cost of wages
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Access to Capital
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Climate changes
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Access to information
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Skills and experience
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Access to the right equipment
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Support and guidance
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
Land ownership
No Challenges
Somewhat Challenging
Quite Challenging
Extremely Challenging
TerribleQuite BadNot SurePretty goodExcellent
Quite Bad
Not Sure
Pretty good